By Date
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Mumy, Emilia and Simon
Hannah Barnes – “Time to Think – The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children”
Douglas Thompson - Inside Out – The Extraordinary Legacy of April Ashley
Trans Figured - Sophie Grace Chappell
"Penélope Calls Out The Dangerous Situation For Trans Children In 2023"
"Stunning and Brave New World How Gender is Lived Today, Part 1"
"Finland to allow gender reassignment without sterilisation "
"Anne Jakkaphong, the transgender woman who presides over Miss Universe"
"Trans Boxer Patricio Manuel Says Proposed Trans-Only League Is “Dehumanizing” "
Claye Bowler
Scottish Government wins case over legal definition of ‘woman’
"US Election 2020: Meet five new faces making political history in the US"
Claye Bowler: ‘I want to put trans people on the map in sculpture’
Roberta Cowell
"How to have a fair discussion about transgender rights"
What It Feels Like.....
Juno Dawson - Trans Writer
"NHS to close Tavistock child gender identity clinic"
History of transgender people in the United Kingdom
Roz Kaveney
Julia Serano's blog
"‘We really are trailblazers’: coming out as trans in later life"
The invention of Ethel Cain
"I'll never get over my rape, says brave first trans MP."
"'I didn’t believe I could get pregnant when on testosterone': Rochdale man gives birth to baby boy after shock pregnancy"
The transgender pastor
"The man who had a baby"
"Finding Love As A Trans Woman"
Frank Turner on reconciling with his trans parent: ‘Miranda is a really nice person – my dad wasn’t’
"Three trans journeys - A BBC Radio Merseyside special"
Three trans journeys: 'I spent so long hiding'
"How To Be A Girl" podcast series
Valentina Petrillo: 'Better to be a slow happy woman than a fast unhappy man'
"No Before, No After"
"Breaking down gender norms"
Landmark transgender documentary series A Change Of Sex comes to BBC iPlayer
"Detransition Blues"
"The first trans rocker Jayne County reflects on her wild life"
Paris Lees Review
Man Enough To Be A Woman - Jayne County (with Rupert Smith)
David Bell - interviewed
"Being trans is not something you put on and take off. It is part of who you are.
"Abigail Thorn: 'I came out as trans and made headlines'"
"Elliot Page on Oprah Winfrey: Transition surgery 'life-saving'"
"4 Openly Trans Politicians and Government Officials Making History Around the World"
"As the father of a trans man, I fear for the consequences of this cruel judgment" - Rowan Moore
Detransition, Baby – Torrey Peters
"Tavistock puberty blocker study published after nine years"
"Why one woman filmed her transition: ‘I want to show young trans kids it gets better’"
"Trans women retain 12% edge in tests two years after transitioning, study finds"
Keira Bell
Jan Morris obituary
'Transphobic bullies nearly cost me my life'
What's Happening to the Trans Community in the UK? Jameela Jamil's Discussion with Trans Activists
Mother in legal fight to save dead transgender daughter's sperm
"Ultra-Orthodox and trans: 'I prayed to God to make me a girl'"
Yvy Deluca
Nikkie De Jager comes out as trans
A Gofundme appeal
In Pictures: The Intimate Lives of Genoa’s 1960s Trans Community
Wendy Carlos - Interview 1989
Transgender Has Reached The Promised Land – Or Has It?
"'I didn't understand what transgender was'"
"'I have the right to tell this story': Lukas Dhont defends his trans film Girl"
Prince Harry supports Mermaids
'I changed my gender after my wife got dementia'
Netherlands Transition Rules Easing
"Transgender: How people from three generations transitioned"
"Watch a Former Transgender Man Tear Apart Lies of LGBT Activists"
Autumn's Transition
Britain's first transgender family?
TRANSLAND - Trans Youth in Iceland
Travis Alabanza on being non-binary
"....six legal views on the transgender debate"
Chelsea Manning - interviewed
A re-transitioned adult argues for kids having the gender God gave them.
Fluid Family
I for Identity
Marvia Malik - Pakistani news anchor
"'Male, female and everything in between'"
"Paris Lees on the experiences of transgender people in the UK"
My Trans Life - At War With Myself
"Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?"
The Australian Football League (AFL) has agreed for the first time to allow a transgender footballer to play women's football at state level.
Stef Sanjati - her story
Jin Xing: China's transgender TV star
I’m The Scary Transgender Person The Media Warned You About
Transparent - Seeing It Through
Transgender Kids - Louis Theroux
Jackie Shane - Transgender Singer
"Transgender woman says it was change sex or die"
She helps trans refugees. Her family helped her transition
A history lesson for Trump: Transgender soldiers served in the Civil War
'My stomach dropped': Transgender troops hit hard by Trump ban
"The Orwellian nightmare of transgender politics"
What does legally changing gender involve?
"Stevenage woman born in the wrong body is overwhelmed by support following gender reassignment surgery"
"Church welcomes trans worshippers"
"As a trans woman, I'm centre stage"
"Transgender woman's selfies document transition"
"Trans Like Me" - c n lester
"The transgender tailor who died in Saudi custody"
Wu Tsang, the trans artist
Seeing It Through (To The End?)
"Juliet Jacques on LGBT rights and the transgender experience"
"Mama Yuli: The trans women's leader no-one messes with"
Radio 4's Jenni Murray criticised over trans women article
Trans To The Music Of Time
"I regret transitioning"
"Ciera Taylor: 'I'm happy and proud to be trans'"
Transgender inmate on hunger strike
“I’m going to be the first British man to give birth”
Will Smith's Advice for Parents of Boys Who Prefer Women's Clothes
"Transgender child: The boy putting his female puberty on hold"
Just A...Storm In A Teacup?
"Mail On Sunday Story On CBBC Transgender Show Slammed As Transphobic"
"The transgender Republican trying to change her party"
"'I'm a non-binary 10-year-old'"
Alexis Arquette - death reported
"Miss Fa'afafine: Behind Samoa's 'third gender' beauty pageant"
"Transgender woman wanting to rejoin the Orange Order"
Genesis P Orridge
"Chelsea Manning prison suicide attempt is confirmed"
"Trudeau says Canada will explore gender-neutral ID cards as he joins gay pride"
Into The Light
"Can I be a man and a woman?"
"The secret life of a transgender airman"
Robina Asti
Transgender children: stories brought up to date in 2016
Tuesday At Tesco's
"Living with Peter who dresses as Penny"
"Transgender Ottawa Woman Overwhelmed By Kindness Of Her Co-Workers"
A Kate Bornstein interview
The Magnetic North
"Transgender Muslim woman Raina Aliev reportedly hacked to death after her wedding"
Tuesday at Tesco's - Programme
"Trans dad pregnant with baby of ex-male partner"
"Transgender woman elected to Venezuelan National Assembly"
Boy Meets Girl
"Zoolander 2 isn’t just bad for trans people – it’s a step backwards for us all"
Abigail Austen
Transgender woman Tara Hudson moved to female prison
Rhyannon Styles replies to Germaine Greer
Calls for transgender woman to be moved from male prison
James en route to Juno
Juliet Jacques
"The Danish Girl" reviewed
Boy Meets Girl and other trans on TV and in Film
DJ Stephanie Hirst returns to air after gender change
"Call Her Caitlyn But Then Let’s Move on to the Issues Affecting the Trans Community"
Trans on the Screen
"The story of two transgender children"
April Ashley, Citizen of Honour 2015
"Sex redefined"
The Jenner transition
The gay people pushed to change their gender
"Ex-RAF navigator gets sex-change on the NHS at 81"
"Ex-RAF navigator gets sex-change on the NHS at 81"
260 Seconds - Jeffrey Tambor"
"Transgender priest Rachel Mann made minor canon at Manchester Cathedral: 'God did not reject me,' she says"
Trans Women are not Drag Queens
"Transgender woman 'raped girl as a man'"
Redefining Realness – Janet Mock
"Born into the wrong body...."
Chelsea Manning Report
Nevada - Imogen Binnie
"The Passion of Bradley Manning" - Chase Madar
"Lana Wachowski’s HRC Visibility Award Acceptance Speech "
Goodbye to Katie
Jin Xing
"Born a man, but now I am officially a woman"
Chevalier d'Eon - portrait bought
"Punk star to change sex but will stay married"
"Sex-change teenager eyes Miss England title"
The agony of boys who can't be boys
Percy Kelly
The boy of five living as a girl
"I took a knife to myself for DIY sex-change"
Boy, 10, who went back to school a girl
"I've built a new body"
David Burgess - Obituary
A Transgender Story
Brenda Lana Smith
Becoming Drusilla - Richard Beard
Youngest sex-change is completed on 16-year-old
"Sex change men with 'female-like brain'"
Bodycage: A transgender autobiography
"Being a gay man beats being a woman"
Transfabulous - Artists Talk
Julia Serano – Whipping Girl
My Husband Betty: Love, Sex, and Life with a Crossdresser by Helen Boyd
Trans Man's Partners' Support Club
Crossing The Line - Sara Davidmann
Croft vs Consignia
"Elected eunuchs unite for rights"
April's Story in The Observer in 2001
"Seeing The Light"
"Gender Mind Benders"
The Transgender Debate: The Crisis Surrounding Gender Identity
Five Trans Women Activists
Polare Magazine Edition 38 2000
Jin Xing
"Understanding Gender Dysphoria"
Goodbye Sam, hello Samantha
"International Arrival"
"Gender Reversals & Gender Cultures"
Blending Genders – edited by Richard Ekins and Dave King
"Hidden Genders"
The Silicone Sisterhood
Gender Outlaw - Kate Bornstein
Vested Interests - Marjorie Garber
TV Bonanza
The Female Man
Myra Breckinridge
Roberta Wins Hill Climb 1957
The Marvellous Land Of Oz
C'est Moi
A Bud In Time
"Diary of a Sex Change"
Gender reassignment: changing bodies and lives
"I was transgender at four"
Transgender Art
images of trans and non-binary models that go beyond the clichés.
TS, TV, CD or Transgender?
"People Like Us" - Trans women stories
Indigo Gender Service
Where Are You Going?
"11 Trans and GNC Dancers to Refresh Your Instagram Feed"
Annie Wallace
The Gender Trust
The Trailer for "Transparent"
Way Out Publishing
The Argonauts
Transition at 81
Len McClusky says