A Bud In Time

transitioning Crossing - is it really all we’re about? It takes more time than it ought to, I sometimes think. Oh, for the wave of a magic wand. One second this – now that! But I know that it’s about growing, and growing takes its own time. I’m growing into a new person – maybe I always was. Maybe those feelings in childhood, maybe the growing started there. And I’m always going to be growing, up until I leave this world. So, it’s also a journey. Here I go. A journey through body and mind. Here I go. Even better, my journey will be absolutely unique, my very own. They want to give the impression that this is a very serious business, that the laws and regulations determine everything. It’s all about resistance, - resistance to our desires – but we have choices. I can travel just as far as I like. My budding is complete when I am complete. Oh, take a look at that bud. It is so much and so little and, like our transitions, so many things are combined into a big moment. Imagine it in slow motion, exploding into life, exploding and disintegrating as it spreads outwards. It will take forever and no time. Let us speak our own transitions. One thing is certain, - like time, there is no going back. We will never be this way again. We can only move on.
Archived Date
30 January 2023