
We know what it is like to be in two dimensions, two worlds, between and beyond.
That image of mine, - quite goddess-like, yes? Starry at least. I got it before I knew that any girl who wants to make her way in the world needs a brand. If you want to sell yourself you do. Or influence people. That mark which defines your USP - Unique Selling Point. Branding is a solo thing – you’re on your own – but then you’re not your own woman any more. Commodify Me! you said, and look what happened…..
Well, Rupaul and the Drag Race happened
Branding, remember, burns the skin
It’s not very queer, is it, to give yourself up to the whims of the public? But the trick is in what you do with your icon. It can work in all sorts of ways, beg questions, cause problems, refuse to be simple. Like a Chinese letter it can contain all sorts of meaning.
What are we trans good for? If all we want is to mean business, if all we’re striving for is success, to replace the current leader, to supersede, we need an image. If what we want is change, is to mean something, we need a mythology.
- Archived Date
- 05 February 2023