A Way

solo In the poetics of Transgender it says, - life is best among strangers. It’s not not-belonging. You may not be a stranger but I will make a stranger of you. What does that mean? The Lonely Way Is The Only Way – or should I say “Alone”? No, “lonely” has got a bad press, and shouldn’t have. We sit at home, and wish and dream, and stare at walls – and that’s us. Aloneness is the abjection and the triumph of Trans. “Who then devised the torment? Love.” For me to find the way I must set off. There are some things you can only do on your own, however much support you have. When we realize that all human beings are faced with this – this impasse – when we accept that we are with everybody in this – and this is not a personal quirk – we set off, we follow the Way, the way of the star, the way of the activist, the way of the solitary. It’s a journey, our unique story and it began because we accepted that we had a story. A route from our birth to our future end, through this difficulty. What is your threshold moment?
Archived Date
30 January 2023