Trans In The World - Mandy In The Pearl River Delta - Da-Dao in Macao

On my journey round the Pearl River Delta I was invited to join in various art-showings. Da-Dao was a weekend of Live Art performances in an old garage (or abbatoir?) in Macao across the Delta. My piece was a portrayal in many episodes of my journey so far and included a full change of persona, an evocation of the many migrant workers in the Delta, carrying their bedding in bags, my visit to the new housing developments, a grid in salt representing the city-map of Shenzhen, origami, and my coming out as gay in badly-articulated Cantonese. God, I was a dedicated performer then! The festival organizers videoed everything fanatically. I never found out what they thought of it all. Photography as always by Vincent Assante Di Cupillo.
Original Publish Date
01 October 2007
Archived Date
25 February 2023