
beautiful I heard this song recently by Stephen Merritt called “Andrew In Drag”. It’s about a straight guy who falls in love with a drag queen only the drag queen was only for a night, as a gag, and will never be a drag queen again, and the straight guy will never find his true love. Actually this shouldn’t be called “The Beautiful Boy”. It’s actually the beauty of femme, or butch, or masc, it’s about the moment when you see the purity and focus in someone as they cross over into the sometimes world of the Other. You didn’t notice them until they made something of themselves. They declared themselves. They’re not surprised or altered because they were only playing a new game and their usual game is quite enough for them. New game or old game, they are the same to themselves. Whereas to you…. You had a button, and they hit it.
Archived Date
11 November 2022