世 or 寿 ?

story It’s a cliché but true – we all have our story. And the story always involves a life, however much or little of that life is trans The big thing, my dears, is how we come by that story. Here’s a few thoughts,- If you don’t get yourself a story somebody will lay one on you and if that somebody is the media then it will almost certainly be a cliché You can of course have a made-up life. The great thing about a made-up life is that you can have as many as you like. You can have an exotic back-story, if that helps you in some way. Otherwise the stock of trans stories is mainly familiar. For Example? My Break For Freedom A Secret, Good or Bad Confusion Resolved A Passport to Purpose The Other Me, - with Meaning How I Found Belonging Accepting the Inevitable A Leap into the Unknown Playing with Myself Hmmnn - All very Mills and Boon, aren’t they? (except that last one). That doesn’t stop them being true. And they don’t all have happy endings. Anyway, call it a journey, a memoir, a confession, a justification – the moment you have your story, you lose your fluidity. You’ve taken the route to identity and there’s no more playing around, no more shape-shifting – it’s serious now. Here’s a tip – have a good image to tell your tale. Leave the world to its speculation.
Archived Date
20 February 2023