
I sometimes wonder if it’s an American thing. They convene, - a Festival, a conference, a gathering – a field, a room, a march full of trans. It’s important because it’s one way of establishing our claims – our Rights, to be acknowledged, to equal treatment – to just be. But how strange it actually is. How they make for occasions with as much competition as community. All of us checking out each other. Searching out similarities and differences.
For everyday I don’t want massed trans, - I want to be separate. I’m happy to be the only trans in the Village if I can see others of us on the street from time to time. And on that street – this street – I want to be known, accepted and embraced. To be a part of it all.
Acknowledgement isn’t everything. When I stop, stand still, in a space, I know how to be. I certainly exist, and it will take a state more fascist and obliterating than this to take that away from me. And that’s because I know without seeing that we are out there, variously.
We are, as they say, human beings, all of us, everybody…….
- Archived Date
- 27 February 2023