I Wish

age I wish.... So many of us say that. By the time we came to act upon our desires, actually to realize what those desires are, we have missed much of the energy and force of the desires and the time in which to fulfil them. He said, Youth is wasted on the young, but actually before our envious eyes are many youth doing what we never did and are now doing, - what seems to us belated, - although never so many as it seems to us, and not all reaping the harvest we now have at our disposal, the benefice of age. Some are though, and some of us find consolation in the thought that our struggles have cleared the path for them. That however is the number of us who have been doing this for sometime and still started late. For some of us there is only the regret. And that regret is what, exactly? Losing our looks, the lines which defy foundation the asymmetrical eyebrows the saggy chin and regretting getting married, failing energy, fallen arches, children, work, male mateships, oh, I could go on… . At least there are places where we can say this, and be heard. And then again, there are the freedoms…….
Archived Date
11 February 2023