Odd One Out

the child
Time was when a child would be the one to call out the trans – “Mummy, is that a man or….” Alert to difference, intent upon some truth. Is it just me or have children become less categorical? And is that a good thing? So much difference everywhere that it’s accepted? The knowing child.
Why then are we so doubtful that a child can make a decision about their gender? They are vulnerable, yes. But as a child they are used to dressing-up and trying on – they know how to play, and experiment, and discover. They get their uncertainties and guilt from adults
So when that feeling comes along, that “don’t fit”, “something’s not right”, “wrong body” feeling – that dysphoria – shouldn’t we at least allow them to delay puberty until they can resolve their uncertainties? Give them time to crack the code of who they actually are?
If a child doesn’t choose conformity, but chooses independence, and has the strength to be the odd one out, guilt-free, it’s time to rejoice – here comes another gender-warrior maybe, or - at least - possibility born out of impossibility.
- Archived Date
- 04 February 2023