How...? Why...? What...?

Useful thoughts from me following on from this,- "It’s nice to be noticed, but……. I feel that I’ve reached that moment when I should share some “deciders” with you,- “deciders” which establish for me how far features about trans are worthy of their subject. Representations of trans life and experiences are now so common in screen drama, news and opinion programmes and online features, and have always had a place in various sections of the news, that we need to be sensitive about them, about whether they treat us fairly and well. They can also be critical if they are both fair and good, but we should be prepared to criticise in return any presentation which fails to render up some account of the truth. And to be critical we need to have some criteria for appreciating what is being presented."
Original Publish Date
27 August 2019
Archived Date
05 July 2022