Sex Matters

The second of a series of posts where I consider what we have been encouraged to call Gender-Wars but here I call "the Gender Debate", which involves a confliction between, apparently, feminists and trans-advocates Trans life in a time of political oppression - Eg, this excerpt from my post,- "I want to pick up where I left off in my last post, with the debate about gender definition. In that post I quoted a friend as saying,- “I feel it’s dismissive of this very real struggle to be told, told, that my biological sex doesn’t matter – that my ‘cultural gender’ is more important!!” In my weekend paper I read a successful young writer quoted thus,- “The thing about gender is that I don’t really believe in it. It’s a series of cultural practices….” Is it enough to say that individual women in a whole variety of situations will have their own take on gender, or can we argue that there is a correct or definitive “gender” which you either “get” or are somehow a failure to the political cause? And so here we are fighting amongst ourselves again….."
Original Publish Date
07 July 2019
Archived Date
24 August 2022