"Queer China deserves better journalism"

Let's face it news is the news nowadays. An Australian news-source takes down journalism that it has published. I didn't know that it was called "unpublishing" but I can now think of a lot of Uk journalism concerning trans which should be unpublished. Regarding China I would think its people can't simply be considered too numerous to deal with particular cases. One billion people can't bear too much generalization and the trans among them deserve accurate reporting. Lessons to be learned here as set out in this piece of responsible investigation. As Jinghua Qian says here, "I would love for this to be a wake-up call for media outlets in any Anglophone country to look at their editorial processes for commissioning and publishing international investigations." China is pretty crucial to today's geopolitics - understanding it properly is the way forward. Unfortunately The China Project which published this has had to shut down due to political and economic pressure - a sad loss https://thechinaproject.com/2023/11/06/some-sad-news/
Original Publish Date
04 April 2023
Archived Date
10 December 2023