Hinge and Bracket

My dear friend Gerry Potter, - formerly Chloe Poems, and other creative identities - posted about these two on Facebook today, and gave me permission to quote this appreciation, - George Logan in the glasses, was once Dame Evadne Hinge of Hinge and Bracket fame… and they were you know, incredibly famous. Ms Hinge, alongside Ms Bracket, is now in the great concert hall in the sky, not that I believe in celestial concert halls (I most certainly don’t), but you get my drift. Of course, clearly drag, but there was a li’l bit more to it from these two than just ‘drag’. Sometimes drag is called ‘female illusionism’, I would say nine times out of ten it’s definitely not, but on occasion, an ‘illusion’ takes place. Hinge and Bracket, I think, created a stunningly entertaining illusion. I somehow knew they were men in drag, but they were always Hilda and Evadne, beyond the make up and costume, I believed in them as characters. Remarkable talents, singers, musicians and they held a unique moment of ultra Queer performance in their well poised, sweet-sherry sipping fingers. Sing well ladies and show the angels how it’s done. Gx Patrick Fyffe was Hilda Bracket
Archived Date
23 May 2023